Quality & Conformity

Our crops are GLOBAL G.A.P. certified. GLOBAL G.A.P. is the internationally recognized standard for farm production. Its ultimate goal is to ensure safe and sustainable agricultural production, which will ultimately benefit farmers, retailers and consumers. GLOBAL G.A.P. Certification covers:


The crops from Africa are world reknowned. The virgin soil and unlimited sun produces full, rich tasting and unrivalled fruit and vegetables.

Soil & Sun

We reclaim the uncultivated land for our crops. Irrigation turn the soil into A fertile resource and increases arable land. One of our key concerns is to ensure that we do not jeopardize resource availability for future generations. Soil is supported by African sun which comes in unlimited quantities.


We follow the plant protection plan rigorously, Monitoring crops according to GLOBAL G.A.P. certification schedules. We are focused on producing and delivering safe and healthy produce. Our trusted global carriers will ensure our produce remain fresh and arrive on time to our customers.

Why Africa…

  • Food safety and traceability
  • Environment (including biodiversity)
  • Workers’ health, safety and welfare
  • Animal welfare
  • Includes Integrated Crop Management (ICM), Integrated Pest Control (IPC), Quality Management System (QMS), Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)

Get in touch now

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